Boatshed Barcelona - Port Ginesta Yacht Broker
Boatshed Barcelona is part of the largest yacht brokerage group in the world and we operate in Port Ginesta
Boatshed Barcelona is part of the largest yacht brokerage group in the world and we operate in the picturesque Port Ginesta Barcelona.
Boatshed Barcelona and Boatshed CostaBrava offer a professional stress-free service with a simple 'no sale, no fee' policy covering the entire Costa Brava, Barcelona and Tarragona areas. Following personal experiences of buying and selling boats privately and through other brokers, we have developed our own simple techniques to ensure a pleasurable experience for both the seller and the buyer alike. The whole process from listing and photographing the boat to handing her over to the new owner is personally handled by us. If you have a boat you want to sell in the Costa Brava, Barcelona or Tarragona areas then we can help. We use the latest technology to sell boats faster and your boat is offered for sale globally.
We visit the boat personally and take an unlimited number of professional quality photos, 4K Video and 360 VR images to present an unrivalled quality presentation of your boat. We can arrange for drone footage of the boat underway. We handle the entire process and accompany every viewing, sea trial and survey.
Port Ginesta Barcelona Yacht Sales
Tarragona Yacht Sales
Costa Brava Yacht Sales
Venta de yates en Port Ginesta Barcelona
Venta de Yates Tarragona
Venta de yates en la Costa Brava
International Yacht Brokers
Over 1.15 Million registered boat buyers
Selling boats faster using the latest technology and maximum global exposure
300,000 unique visitors per month
1000+ boats sold each year
80+ Boatshed offices worldwide
Port Ginesta boat yacht sales; Port Ginesta venta de barcos y yates; Vente de bateaux et yachts à Port Ginesta; Port Ginesta yacht broker; Courtier yacht Port Ginesta; Corredor de yates Port Ginesta; #PortGinestayachtsales #PortGinestaventadebarcosyyates #VentedebateauxetyachtsàPortGinesta #PortGinestayachtbroker #CourtieryachtPortGinesta #CorredordeyatesPortGinesta #catalunyayachtbroker #Courtieryachtcatalunya #Corredordeyatescatalunya#barcelonayachtsales #barcelonaventadebarcosyyates #Ventedebateauxetyachtsàbarcelona #barcelonayachtbroker #Courtieryachtbarcelona #Corredordeyatesbarcelona; #PortGinestayachtsales #PortGinestaventadebarcosyyates #VentedebateauxetyachtsàPortGinesta #PortGinestayachtbroker #CourtieryachtPortGinesta #CorredordeyatesPortGinesta #costabravayachtbroker
#Courtieryachtcostabrava #Corredordeyatescostabrava